Last year, we got it in our heads that we wanted to do something special with Magic Shell. For the uninitiated, Magic Shell is essentially chocolate that freezes quickly, but doesn’t freeze hard. It’s pretty much just chocolate with a little bit of coconut oil.
For this ice cream, we bought the ready made Reese’s version from the grocery store, but since then we have also made our own and it’s a snap.
We also wanted to try layering instead of swirling, which is how we typically mix flavors. And thus Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch was born.

What you’re seeing here is repeating layers of:
- Peanut butter ice cream mixed with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup chunks
- Reese’s Magic Shell
- Chocolate ice cream mixed with Reese’s Pieces and Reese’s Wafer chunks
- Reese’s Magic Shell
Rinse and repeat.
The texture of this ice cream, particularly the peanut butter layer, is exquisite. It’s a lot of fun to hear the crackle as you scoop down through the crunchy shell layers.
Needless to say, this ice cream did not last long.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch
A peanut butter lover’s dream!
- Peanut Butter Ice Cream
2 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 cup whole milk
1/2 cup peanut butter (more or less to taste)
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- Chocolate Ice Cream
4 oz bittersweet chocolate
1 cup whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
2 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Dash of salt
Reese’s Pieces
Reese’s Wafers (optional)
Magic shell (for layering)
- Peanut Butter Ice Cream
- Heat the 1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 cup milk on low in a medium saucepan until it reaches 140° F, stirring occasionally. While the custard heats, using an electric mixer to whisk the 2 large eggs in a medium mixing bowl until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes.
- While the cream is still heating, slowly add the 3/4 cup sugar into the eggs, whisking thoroughly to make sure the mixture doesn’t become grainy.
- After the cream reaches the target temperature, gradually pour it into the egg and sugar mixture, again whisking each time the cream is added to avoid cooking the eggs.
- Pour the entire mixture back into the medium saucepan and heat it to 170° F. While it heats, add the 1/2 cup peanut butter. Whisk constantly so the peanut butter melts evenly into the mixture.
- Now pour the mixture back into the mixing bowl. Cover and chill for 1 hour or up to 3 hours.
- When ready, make in your ice cream maker based on the maker’s instructions. (Do not mix the bases!)
- During the last 5-10 minutes in the ice cream maker (the ice cream should basically have the consistency of soft-serve ice cream), add in your Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup chunks. Don’t add it all in! Add handfuls at a time until you get your desired chunkiness.
- Move the ice cream from the ice cream maker into a large container and put it in the freezer. Quickly move on to the other flavor. You do not want the first flavor to harden too much.
- Chocolate Ice Cream
- Melt the 4 oz chocolate in a double broiler. Once completely melted, slowly add the 1 cup whole milk in small amounts, whisking each time you add cream until color is uniform. Set it aside while you make your custard.
- For the custard base, heat the 1 cup heavy whipping cream on low in a medium saucepan until it reaches 140° F, stirring occasionally. While the custard heats, using an electric mixer to whisk the 2 large eggs in a medium mixing bowl until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes.
- While the cream is still heating, slowly add the 1 cup sugar into the eggs, whisking thoroughly to make sure the mixture doesn’t become grainy.
- After the cream reaches the target temperature, gradually pour it into the egg and sugar mixture, again whisking each time the cream is added to avoid cooking the eggs.
- Pour the entire mixture back into the medium saucepan and heat it to 170° F.
- Now pour the mixture back into the mixing bowl and add the 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and the dash of salt. Whisk the chocolate mix into it as well until uniformly mixed.
- Cover and chill for 1 hour or up to 3 hours.
- When ready, make in your ice cream maker based on the maker’s instructions. During the last 5-10 minutes in the ice cream maker, add in your Reese’s Pieces and Reese’s Wafer chunks.
- The Layers
- When the second flavor is done, move it to a container and allow it to freeze for 10 minutes. This will stop the layers from sinking in on each other.
- Now, in a quart-sized container, scoop in a layer of ice cream and smooth it flat. Then pour on a layer of Magic Shell. This layer does not need to be thick! In fact, it shouldn’t be too thick or it won’t freeze quickly enough.
- Once the Magic Shell has hardened, add a layer of the other flavor, followed by a layer of Magic Shell.
- This recipe makes 2 quarts, so repeat in a second quart-sized container.
- Let it them both freeze for at least 4 hours.