When we made our lemon honeycomb ice cream, we felt like we have unlocked the secret to making some amazing fruity ice cream flavors. Making the fruit syrup was so simple, but added so much flavor! We couldn’t wait to try it again with another fruit.

We decided the next fruit we should try should be grapefruit! Full disclosure, the first batch we made did not really turn out. We tried a buttermilk grapefruit, which wasn’t gross by any means, but tasted more like buttermilk and not much like grapefruit. So, we decided to make it again, this time just like the lemon, but with grapefruit juice instead. And that recipe gave us exactly the flavor we wanted! We decided not to add any mix ins this time, because we really wanted the grapefruit to shine. Nice and bright and fruity, this one is a must try for summer!
This grapefruit is a great-fruit flavor!
Juice from 1 grapefruit
2 1/2 Tbs sugar
4 egg yolks
1/4 cup milk powder
2/3 cup sugar
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
- Combine the grapefruit juice and 2 1/2 Tbs sugar. Simmer until thickened slightly and sugar is all dissolved. Set aside and allow to cool until ready to use.
- Whisk the egg yolks until they are light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Slowly whisk in the sugar until the color turns lighter and the consistency is smooth, about 2 minutes more. Add the powdered milk and whisk again until well blended.
- Add the egg/sugar mixture to a sauce pan along with the milk and cream. Heat on medium low heat until it reaches 162, stirring frequently and scraping the bottom with a spatula to avoid cooking the eggs.
- Turn the heat on low once it reached temperature and stir constantly, letting the mixture reduce, for about 10 minutes.
- Add base to a plastic gallon bag, and put in a prepared ice bath until cooled (about 15-20 minutes).
- Add the prepared base and the prepared grapefruit syrup to the ice cream maker. Make in your ice cream maker based on the maker’s instructions.
- Move to the freezer until hardened (at least 4 hours).