So, you know the candy I’m talking about right? In truth, I don’t really love sour candies that much. But, for some reason, these watermelon candies just get me. And since the hot tamales ice cream was such a success, we decided to try our hands at another candy themed ice cream.

This one is extremely straight forward. No chunks. No swirls. Just straight sweet and sour watermelon ice cream. This base does have a couple of odd ingredients though. The first one is watermelon flavoring. We bought this one and ended up using one entire bottle (it was very small). It also calls for tartaric acid, which gave the ice cream the sour edge we were looking for. This is the one we bought and it worked great! If you love this classic candy, you will love this ice cream maybe even more! (Thanks, Jenny M, for the flavor recommendation!)

Sour Watermelon Candy

It’s pretty sweet being sour.


  • 4 egg yolks

  • 2 cups heavy cream

  • 1 cup whole milk

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 1/4 cup dry milk powder

  • 1 oz watermelon flavoring

  • 1 tsp tartaric acid

  • Pink and green food coloring (optional)


  • Mix together the egg yolks, powdered milk, sugar, cream, and milk. Make sure to mix thoroughly! Don’t want any sugar or egg clumps left behind!
  • Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over medium low heat until the base reaches a temperature of 162 degrees. Keep the base on a low heat and stir constantly, allowing the base to reduce for about 10 minutes.
  • Add base to a plastic gallon bag, and put in a prepared ice bath until cooled (about 15-20 minutes).
  • After cooling, add the watermelon flavoring and tartaric acid. Mix well until all combined.
  • Make in your ice cream maker based on the maker’s instructions. 
  • If desired, take half of the ice cream out and put into a bowl. Mix half of the ice cream with green food coloring and the other half with pink food coloring.
  • When adding to the container, add a large dollop of pink followed by a large dollop of green. Continue until all of the ice cream is in the ice cream container.
  • Move into the freezer until hardened (at least 4 hours).