When you play that word association game with people where you give them a word and they say the first thing that comes to their mind, I’m sure that a high percentage of the time the word response to the word “Halloween” would be “candy”. So what would a collection of Halloween ice cream flavors be without some kind of candy flavor?

Instead of just picking one Halloween candy to add though, why not add a bunch of different types of candy? In our Trick or Treat ice cream we swirled chocolate and vanilla (dyed orange) ice cream and packed it full of yummy treats like Reese’s, Milky Way, Twix, 3 Musketeers, and some other goodness. The fun thing with this one is that the possibilities are endless. Just add whatever you want! The trick is just making sure that the chunk sizes are big enough that you can tell what they are, but small enough that it’s not too hard to eat! Since we can’t trick or treat this year, this will have to be the next best thing! Happy Trick or Treating!
Trick or Treat
Okay, fine, just treats…
- Chocolate Base
1 cup whole milk
4 oz bittersweet chocolate
1 cup heavy cream
2 large eggs
3/4 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Dash salt
Halloween candy of your choice!
- Vanilla Base
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
2 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tbs vanilla
Dash of salt
More Halloween candy (can be the same or different from those in the chocolate base)
Orange food coloring, if desired
- Chocolate Base
- Melt the 4 oz white chocolate in a double broiler. Once completely melted, slowly add the 1 cup whole milk in small amounts, whisking each time you add cream until color is uniform. Set it aside while you make the rest of the ice cream base.
- Heat the 1 cup heavy whipping cream on low in a medium saucepan until it reaches 140° F, stirring occasionally. While the custard heats, using an electric mixer to whisk the 2 large eggs in a medium mixing bowl until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes.
- While the cream is still heating, slowly add the 1 cup sugar into the eggs, whisking thoroughly to make sure the mixture doesn’t become grainy.
After the cream reaches the target temperature, gradually pour it into the egg and sugar mixture, again whisking each time the cream is added to avoid cooking the eggs.
Pour the entire mixture back into the medium saucepan and heat it to 170° F. When it comes off of the stove, mix in the chocolate and milk mixture.- Cover and chill for 1 hour or up to 3 hours.
- Add the vanilla and salt right before adding it to the ice cream maker. When ready, make in your ice cream maker based on the maker’s instructions.
- During the last 5-10 minutes in the ice cream maker, add in your Halloween candy pieces, chopped small. Don’t add it all in! Add handfuls at a time until you get your desired chunkiness.
- Move the ice cream from the ice cream maker into a quart-sized container of your choice and freeze for about an hour (about the length of time the other flavor will run through the ice cream machine), so the ice cream will retain its shape while you swirl the two flavors.
- Vanilla Base
- Heat the 1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 cup milk on low in a medium saucepan until it reaches 140° F, stirring occasionally. While the custard heats, using an electric mixer to whisk the 2 large eggs in a medium mixing bowl until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes.
- While the cream is still heating, slowly add the 3/4 cup sugar into the eggs, whisking thoroughly to make sure the mixture doesn’t become grainy.
- After the cream reaches the target temperature, gradually pour it into the egg and sugar mixture, again whisking each time the cream is added to avoid cooking the eggs.
- Pour the entire mixture back into the medium saucepan and heat it to 170° F.
- Now pour the mixture back into the mixing bowl. Cover and chill for 1 hour or up to 3 hours.
- Add the vanilla and salt right before adding it to the ice cream maker (and the food coloring if you are adding it). When ready, make in your ice cream maker based on the maker’s instructions.
- During the last 5-10 minutes in the ice cream maker, add in your Halloween candy pieces, chopped small.
- The Swirl
- To swirl, simply add dollops of each kind of ice cream into the container of your choice. Make sure you are packing it down to prevent crystals forming. We like to alternate each flavor in a kind of checkerboard pattern as we fill the container.
- Fill your container to the top. Top with candy pieces if desired.
- Move the ice cream to the freezer until hardened (about 4 hours).